Endpoint management
I want to tell you about our Endpoint Management
I know it doesn’t sound very exciting but it’s really important!
About a year and a half ago, we took the view that we had to change the business because information technology is changing around us and we stopped doing any break-fix for all our customers.
Break-fix is, you wait for something to break, then you fix it.
It was clear that this break fix just wasn’t going to work going forward and we had to redesign the business.
Most of our customers we took along this journey but some didn’t appreciate what we were trying to do but that’s okay you can’t help everyone all the time.
I want to explain to you about what the benefits and the differences are with endpoint management versus just waiting for things to break
We’ve all got busy lives, we all want our business to be more profitable, more successful and we don’t want to spend money we don’t need to. We don’t want you wasting time fiddling with computers and that’s where Endpoint Management comes in. Let me just explain a little bit about the technicalities.
Endpoint Management essentially consists of: Antivirus, Patching & Auditing that these bundled together so that they provide a complete managed solution.
Unlike a few years ago where the antivirus was installed it and that would be it, and you would suffer an infection then call us, nowadays our antivirus integrates with critical patching so if a virus is identified it will create a ticket and an engineer will check it.
With the patching it’s all managed, so we decide when we want to patch, not Microsoft who decide to apply them in a middle of an important presentation or when you are working – but at night-time!
I’m sure you have seen in the news. We need to make sure your machines are fully patched so they don’t get the cryptoransomware
We want to manage it so if machines are infected we find out straight away and isoloate the PC from the network, but we only want to intervene if there’s a problem as engineering time is quite expensive. So working this way keeps costs down
I want to make sure your machines are kept secure so yes the patching’s good but you need to make sure that if we can connect to devices without your say so we know what’s happening so we’ve got auditing. Every time we connect, or software is installed, it’s logged so we can manage the risks because risking your business by not managing effectively is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and the impact of IT not working is getting bigger and the cost of managing is coming down
If you would like to know more about the Endpoint management, please get in touch!